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Thursday, November 3, 2016

The truth about MMM

Truth about MMM finally uncovered.

My name is Awotunde olayinka
a 100+ Guider with MMM Nigeria.
This is my confession about MMM Nigeria. Please take your time and hear me out.

I am curious by nature and people most times called me a detective.

So when I heard about MMM, I didn't believe in it but my detective side told me that this is a story worth investigating. So I went to Nigeria-mmm.net and I registered. I wasn't invited by anyone.

That's where the real work starts
I started doing my research about them, looking like a wolf in sheep clothing. As it was customary to at least join a group. I lobbied and I ended up in one whatsapp group where they were talking about MMM. I never listened to them. I was fully focused on my task which is to uncover the scam known as MMM Nigeria. I got to understand that I cant blow open this scam if I am just a member so I got to understand more about it by applying for what they call Guider School where people are trained to become leaders in this community.

I studied Day and Night trying as much as possible to graduate from this school as the curriculum was massive. Even as a computer analysts. There were things I learnt from these training.
Then it dawned on me.
 If this is a scam, why would they bother to train people to take up managerial position in MMM?
If MMM is a scam, why do they not have a central account?
If MMM is a scam, why is the Government of MMM,  You and I?
If MMM is a scam, why would they always tell the truth about the workings of their operations?
If MMM is a scam, how come people are flocking into this scam everyday?

It's boldly written on their website that you should only participate in MMM with your spare money.
MMM doesn't collect money from you, it only connects participants together.
MMM can't run away with your money but participants can if you don't follow the rules and guidelines for MMM
MMM is not an investment, a business, a wonder bank, a game or gamble.
MMM operates just like the normal Cooperative. We are already used to. MMM modernises this concept.

After all my findings, I am now a true believer in the MMM ideology and teachings that I have devoted my life and works to the sustainability of MMM in Nigeria and the world at large.
I have resigned from my daily works and I have assembled a team of experts that can mentor,  educate and help anyone interested in joining this marvelous community.

MMM is a manageable risk, The Holy Books even support MMM.

For more information about MMM

Join our whatsapp group

Be ready, be prepared, MMM has come to stay

Long Live MMM
Long Live Federal Republic of Nigeria

God bless all Marvodians

I am Awotunde olayinka
100+ Guider

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